Toddler Tantrums 🙄

Elizabeth 🌙

Alright mommies, I need some help.

My son will be 18 months in January and he acts like he’s going through his terrible twos already. Some days he is just relentless. For example: if I tell him not to do something and he gets mad or something doesn’t go his way, he will hit me in the face, smack, head butt, you name it. He screams like a banshee. This evening I left him with my parents so I could grocery shop in peace for once. He was absolutely terrible to them, and he usually loves being there and is very well behaved with them. Tonight was a different story. When I picked him up, my mom did something that he didn’t like and he threw his head back and hit her in the face, giving her a fat lip. I about lost it. I was so embarrassed.

I’ve tried spanking (lightly), firmly telling him no and walking away, time outs. Nothing has worked. I’ve read that spanking let’s them think that hitting is okay and that’s why they hit, but I honestly haven’t even spanked him that much. I’m at a loss here.

Another thing is he hardly eats. I put him in his high chair and he will eat a few bites and then throw a fit wanting out. I can’t get him to eat anything at all.

Any advice is appreciated, any rude or hateful comments will be deleted. Thank you in advance y’all. ❤️