Is it too late to try?



My baby is a week old today! She had issues latching from birth and would get so frustrated during feeding that she would just scream and scream and refuse to even try and eat. She would latch for second and then give up. I have semi flat nipples and I think this makes it harder for her. I kept trying and she started to get better but still would stay latched long enough so the nurses had us supplement with formula and pumping because she had uric acid when she would urinate.

I started exclusively pumping two days ago which does make feeding time much much easier but it’s so hard to keep up with. I’m able to use breast milk for most feedings but so supplement with formula for one feeding each day. I’m worried I won’t be able to build a supply and will fail at exclusivity pumping.

Is it too late to try having her breastfeed again now that she’s done a few days of just bottle?