I’m a whore for moving on after 4 month

Okay, I don’t really know where to put this, but I need someone else’s opinion other than just my friends.

I am 31 weeks pregnant. The baby daddy left about 5 months ago when I refused to get an abortion. After we broke up he was seeing one girl, and then he left her and went back to the girl that he had is first baby with (which by the way was in July, so his kids are going to be 7 months apart.) and since him and I are no longer on speaking terms (since July) I finally thought to myself, okay it’s time for me to move on too. So I started talking to this guy who I use to be with before baby daddy. And we hooked up. But it’s so much more than that, he is prepared to help me with the baby and support me. But some guy that I know said “it looks bad on my part.” I didn’t think it looked bad. Just because I’m 7 months pregnant doesn’t mean I can’t find someone else? Baby daddy moved on from me in less than a month. Does anyone else think I’m a whore for hooking up with someone?

*this pic is only part of what he said, the rest was on Snapchat so I didn’t get it*