Helppp :( and please don't be mean


So I have a best friend who I am absolutely head over heels for, everytime I'm near her I just feel so happy and I feel so loved. The thing is that she crushes on other boys and girls and she always gushes about them to me, I've hinted at her that I like her but I don't think she gets the hint. I feel like the only reason I'm her "best friend" is because I give her affection when she doesn't get it from people that she wants it from but I let her do it because I'm in love with her. I've had talks with her about this but she always brushes it off like it's nothing important, we basically grew up together and our parents are best friends which is why I'll feel terrible for leaving her. I have only come to realise this now but I don't know if it's because I'm sensitive on my period or it's because I'm genuinely upset