Baby shower timing


How close to your due date are you having your baby shower?

My MIL and SIL are planning mine (I am very grateful they are doing it. My mom just passed away in October and my sister lives in a different state) BUT they have picked a date that is 5 weeks from my due date.

Now I am an over planner. I like to have an idea of a rough plan for any situation. I am a slight Control freak too. But my dr and I are both thinking little girl will be coming early (I know no one really knows), because she is so low it literally feels like she’s in the birth canal most days.

And on top of everything, we are doing an entire house, top to bottom remodel that is supposed to be done after the baby shower.

So I’m just really nervous about the shower date. I’ve bought the necessities just in case. But I can already feel the anxiety building for so much happening close to our due date. Plus, we have to buy what we don’t get and won’t have time to space it out.

Yay for pregnancy overthinking and anxiety.

Oh and changing the date is NOT an option unless I want to start WWIII

Anyone else??