Zero income, 34 weeks pregnant, 6 yr old, single mom. Advice please!

What do some of you moms do for income after the baby is born? How long before u find a job again? I lost my job dec of 2016, and have been working off jobs here and there since. I ended up pregnant in may 2017 and we contemplated abortion. He and I aren’t together so I have to do this alone and have to support myself financially. I am on the verge of losing my home and I HAVE TO work. I had found a temp job that was only paying me maybe 300 a week after taxes but that was only from nov 6-dec 15, a 5 week project after having absolutely no income for 2-3 months. I of course won’t have any short term disability or maternity pay, I have a 6 yr old, and I’m 34 weeks along. I have no idea what to do for money and I have no idea where to set up my newborns bed and stuff Bcus I’m sure we’ll be out of a home within the next 2 weeks. I don’t qualify for unemployment and I am wondering, how long after baby did you go back to work if u had no income. I am thinking of applying to work, having him and hoping I find a job within 1-2 weeks after birth. I have no idea what to do, I have 400 in my account and a 200 check coming on Tuesday. I have no source of income and my rent is 1200 due on the 1st. But I️ am already so behind. My landlord says he will file eviction very soon.

I do receive food stamps and Medicaid from the government. But aside from that I don’t qualify for anything else. If i was to receive TANF(cash) all I would get would be 316 a month. And 485 once my baby is born. And even then, I’m not able to be home, I have to be at a job program with drug addicts and recovering people and ex convicts from 9-5 M-F in order for me to continue to receive those 300 a month. Even pregnant and almost due and after baby is born.

I have no idea what to do, I’m scared and I feel so lost.