Hospital trip of a life time


Well as of Friday 12/9/17 it was snowing and I thought my water had broke. Ended up coming to l&d; to find out that I had 3 plus protein in my urine, my blood pressure was up again, but my water didn’t break. Got sent home.

On Wednesday 12/13/17 I had the drs office call my about my appointment on 12/15/17 saying the doctor is requesting I come in for an earlier appointment. I knew something was up.

12/15/17 I go to my drs appointment (@ 11am) with the 24hr urine and do the regular thing with the nurse. Get to the room where my dr comes in to say he’s got to figure out what to do with me. I’m 36 weeks pregnant, my blood pressure hit 170/90, and protein and new swelling. I got sent to l&d; again.

I get to l&d; around 12pm, hooked up to all kinds of monitors, can’t get out of bed, and have to lay on my side. Was told I’d be seen by a dr in a few hours, which ended up being at like 9pm. She was on the fence about delivering me since I’m only 36 weeks and the baby’s lungs might not be ready. She decided to go ahead and send me to a regular room, start an iv in case, and give me steroid shots to help the baby’s lungs.

It’s now almost 24hrs later, I’ve had more blood drawn this morning, another shot, and on a liquid diet in case they decide to start the pitocin. I such a nervous wreck, but yet super excited to get the journey over with and have my baby in my arms!!