My husband left me and our three kids...

My husband left me alone with our three kids. No warning. Just left.

He left a note saying:

“I’m sorry. I can’t do this anymore.”

He packed up all of his stuff and just left while the kids and I were visiting family for a few days. I have no clue where he went.

We have three kids. I’ve been a SAHM for the last nine years so I don’t have a job. Both cars and the house are in his name. There’s only $600 in our bank account.

We’ve been going through financial hardship for about two years. His long term job laid him off and he struggled to find comparable work. We racked up almost $10,000 in credit card debt just trying to keep our heads above water and we have no savings.

He has literally left me with a car that’s not in my name, a house that’s not in my name that I can’t pay for, and $600 with three kids that have no clue what’s going on yet.

What the hell am I supposed to do?? I’m so lost. I’m so heartbroken. Our marriage was fine. No signs of cheating. We had an occasional argument over attitude issues (on his part) but we were otherwise fine. Right before we went on the trip he was acting a little off but I knew he was stressed so I didn’t think much of it.

I have no family that can take me in. My father has never cared about me. My mom never wanted to be a mom and always tells me to handle my own shit. Everyone that would want to help is financially in a rut, too and don’t have houses big enough to take in 3 kids and an adult.

Help me 😢😢😢