Pregnant with no Dad?


So I recently got pregnant I’m about 5 weeks I was so happy because I’ve been wanting another baby me and the father have not been dating long about a year and he didn’t want kids, but that’s his fault for not wearing a condom right ? Well when I found out he was happy I guess he was telling all his family but his family is kinda on drugs and into gangs so they don’t really care . So we got into an augment over social media he was trying to talk to another girl texting her sending her a message saying good morning beautiful. I got mad and he told me it’s my fault tried blaming it on me when I have done nothing but helped him and let him live with me rent free. So he tells me kill his kid and I don’t deserve it. So we haven’t talked for about a week I’m not sure what to do right now he’s a dog I know, I mean I’m not ugly I’m very pretty not being conceded. I know he won’t change and And I shouldn’t have to wait till baby is here for that to happen . Feeling so lost . Should I keep him out the loop I mean he doesn’t even bother to ask about anything anyways but you know how that’s hard to just stop loving someone. I feel hurt I really thought he was the one and things were going good .