I don’t feel comfortable at home.

I think this is gonna be a long one. My dad has always been over protective of me. I have very limited freedom and I’m becoming scared of him. Oh and btw I’m 18. Also sorry if this is in the wrong group I couldn’t find a suitable one lol

The other week I noticed the front passenger seat in my car was pulled up so forward you couldn’t sit there. I thought it was weird but I left it. Then just the other day I went out w my mom in my car so the seat had to be moved back. The other day I went for a haircut and did some xmas shopping and I got the infamous “where are u” text from my dad. When I got home he asked me again where I was and I told him where I was then he asked me who was in the car with me. I didn’t drive anyone that day, heck I haven’t driven anyone in months. I asked him why but he didn’t respond. And then I realized that he probably moved the passenger seat to use it as an indicator if someone had been in my car with me. Anyways, I’m beyond upset rn.

Also my mom informed me tht the other week while I was out he texted me asking where I was and I told him. And he ACTUALLY went to the location to see if I was there (I had already left though) and when he saw my car wasn’t in the parking lot, he went to the other location to look for my car. Mind you I’m not a bad kid! I’ve never gotten myself into trouble or done anything problematic like sneaking out, drugs/drinking, none of that! I’m a good kid and I bring home good grades idk why he’s so pressed.

I no longer feel comfortable at home anymore. I always feel under speculation, like I’m being watched or I’m going to get in trouble for something you won’t even get in trouble for. Like even using my phone in the same room as him makes me scared I’ll be in trouble (bc he yelled at me before). I don’t know what to do at this point. It’s emotionally and socially affecting me. I have a very difficult time making friends/keeping friendships bc my dad basically keeps me under house arrest. Even with my mom he’s like this. If either of us go out with our friends he’s so negative, like he’s mad. And when you come home if it’s the worst bc more times HES MAD. LIKE I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO ANYMORE