I'm sorry.........


so I've been with my fiancé for going on two years and I love glow BTW because you guys are like family and he doesn't know how to navigate through here so he won't find this ....in the back of my head tho I know if he really wanted to he would find this he would ...but other than that I'm writing this cause I want it to be heard but not by him lol I don't wanna boost his head that much... any who we've been together for almost two years. we do everything together were never in separate rooms were always on top of each other were like peanut butter and jelly. and that's not a bad thing there's never a dull moment in a day for the Andrews. you know that one girlfriend you have that you are always with making your bf grunt while yall giggle ? yea that's us . we're not perfect tho... martin and Pam type level... but sometimes tho I feel like I can't pull my own weight it gets hard for me because every day is dramatically different with my health there are days I can't even shower unless he is there. when I'm having a bad day the emotional rolarcoaster is horable and this is where I feel selfish I feel n like I'm rude to him or short him of any attention or love because Im not feeling well i want to be able to give him my 100% of my attention I never want to miss a thing with him and his schedule keeps changing in the middle of trying to move across states again...... and trying to have a baby. I can't even bring in any money to make this process go by faster rn the faster we save the faster we both move to our new home and new jobs but where we live now it makes it really hard to tend to him the way I want it makes me sad I tell myself all the time nope I can get it done nope I can do it and it never gets done it's always something to inconvenience my day errands or goals I try to digest my day at night and try to prepare for the day ahead without any problems. health wise or other but on the days im ok or feel normal theres got to be another issue wether its an argument or dealing with an outside problem buthis problem is communication he doesn't tell me how he really feels.butlike today i feel fine im up and at it were doing laundry and he asked me to switch the laundry while he goes to the bathroom remind you I was in the middle of writing this post and didn't want to lose thought well he left the room I thought he went to the bathroom so I waited a minut fineshed typing and got up as im going hese coming from the laundry shaling his head as if i dont do shit ....asked him why he didnt go to the bathroom i was getti g the laundry now he wants to have an attitude same with the broom hejustgot up like we have to be somewhere in an hour and he in a rush to get things done ...? ito move and be home just us nobody else dinner cooked house clean and hear about his day I guess I just look at him and think to myself he deserves so much more he is such a good man but he pisses me offam I wrong for feeling not enough?