Yay! OPK! Funny convo w hub

I posted a OPK yesterday which was almost positive. We DTD anyway. DTD again today in the morning and just now I took another test and it was positive! Been ttc since sept, but always miss our time cus the hubs would be out of town or at work til midnight.

(We’ve been DTD every other day since AF disappeared. Since yesterday was a almost positive, we DTD and trying the sperm meets egg plan and preseed).

I run up to my husband and go “See! ovulating! Now the only day off you’ll get is Tuesday”

Him: “*fake cries* why do I only get 1 day off? Work gives me 2 days off”

Me: “well youre married, so no days off” ahahah. We both joke around with each other.

Baby dust to you all! Let’s hope for a baby!