Super annoyed...


Why are mother in laws so snide? We got married earlier this year and are expecting our first baby. We have been together for nearly 8 years. A few years ago we were all camping my husband, boyfriend at the time, his mother and husband, and his sisters. I decided to go to bed early and his mom and him stay up late having a good time. His sister proceeds to tell me how his mother spent the whole night telling him there is more to the world than me, he could try dating other people, he doesn't have to settle on me. So I try to blame it on a drunk campfire conversation and to this day she will ask him if he remembers what they talked about that night because he got really mad at her. Fast forward to last night and several snide comments all along the way. So last night my husband graduated from college. His mom and I planned a graduation party for him at her house because we live 3 hours away from his college. So party goes well and later in the night after the majority of the people left and it's just a few of his immediate family she starts talking about our trip to Vegas for his 30th birthday and how I'm just going to have to be left behind because I'm pregnant and can't hang. Plus what more does a guy want than a woman with large boobs And skinny legs. (Which is the complete opposite of me 😒) obviously my feelings get hurt because I'm sensitive about my weight and my body appearance and now I'm pregnant. Then she posts pictures we took at graduation and the one group photo she posts, is the one where my back is turned. So it looks like I'm not in the photo 😡. I really want to comment on the photo because I'm tired of rising above her snideness and back handed comments to me all the damn time. I want to stoop to her level and come up with my own ammunition but honestly it's just not in my personality. I don't understand what happened. When we very first started dating it seemed like she really liked me. After it got serious though it's like a flip switched and now she talks down to me and always has some passive aggressive snide comment about everything I do, wear, say, etc.

How do you handle someone like this when she is a major part of the family and my husbands life? Maybe after reading this it's doesn't seem like a big deal but to me it is. I'm exhausted dealing with it. I just needed to vent.