Momma finally got some! 🤪


My husband and I were on a long streak of no sex. For the first trimester I was extremely sick so naturally that just wasn’t gonna happen 🤢 Toward the end of the second month of my pregnancy (August) I moved into my parents house since ours was being worked on. I finally moved back home the middle of November. We’ve had our anniversary and his birthday since I moved back but nothing had happened between us. No sexy time 😫 I’ve always gone to bed earlier than him but that never stopped us before. I even started staying up later the past couple weeks but that didn’t matter because no matter what he was going to stay up and play video games 🤦‍♀️ Video games has unfortunately been an issue in our relationship before. And since I had been “gone” for a couple months I think he just got in the habit of playing them again and didn’t realize what was happening. Well the night of his birthday I ended up crying myself to sleep because it was starting to get to me. Feeling like he wasn’t finding me attractive now or something. I’m 25 week pregnant so that’s what I thought it was. I still don’t know what the issue was or is but we finally had sex! 🎉 The last time was when I got pregnant in July 😮 When we finished he asked if he had squished the baby 🤣 haha I told him nope we’re both good.