My 4th month TTC af due on Christmas 🎄

Fanistar • 2 boys ⚽️ and now a girl 🌸 My husband ( who wants an open marriage now that we had our baby 😤) and I have been TTC since late August 2017. Had a miscarriage in February 2018. Found out I was pregnant again at the end of March 2018. I'm broken but happy I

Keeping my mouth shut and not telling my best friends about what my husband and I have been planning is so hard 🤦🏻‍♀️ but I know it is the best thing to do. I would not be able to handle them asking me constantly if I'm pregnant yet... my husband thinks I'm pregnant in every cycle 😂 if I feel any twinge he says "oh it's the baby, you are pregnant" 🤰🏻 we keep seeing babies everywhere we go. His sister is due in late feb or march and she just sent the registry info and she had stuff I was looking up... 🤷🏻‍♀️when will I be able to get a BFP? And make a registry? I'm not getting younger... my boys wanted me to give them a lil sister, obviously I cant decide that but I will be happy with a healthy baby.... my husband wants a girl... he wants a daddy's little girl. I wanted a girl so we can have the same relationship I have with my mom and my mom has with her mother 🤗 I wish I could tell my family if I get a positive but I think I wanna wait till I'm safe. Then I can tell everyone and maybe have a big party and announce our pregnancy 🤰🏻 we will see.... I wonder if this would be our Christmas gift this year....