boy issues


okay so i’m 14 (almost 15) and i’m lowkey a hoe. not the type of hoe that goes around and fucks all these dudes but the type that talks to some guys here and there and doesn’t really care. so with that i get a lot of rude as people saying things, like my ex-bestfriend. basically not that long ago i was talking to this guy and he wanted to ask me out and my former bestfriend told him that i wouldn’t be loyal, considering he has been texting me and multiple other girls asking for nudes while he’s been in a relationship since january. but when he told the guy i was talking to that he immediately went to another girl. so now my former bestfriend and my almost boyfriend are going around and telling every guy how they can’t like me bc i’m a hoe and can’t be trusted. so i just talk to guys from other schools. but i started talking to a junior from my school (i’m a freshman) like two months ago. he’s really fucking sweet and we have some mutual “friends” but other than that we didn’t really know each other. i actually really like this guy but i feel like he’s gonna just use me for sex. what should i do?