Net Neutrality rant


Okay so I’m going to get a bunch of shit about this but oh well I need to rant.

So many people don’t know what net neutrality is so lemme explain really quick.

Net Neutrality is pretty much when the entire internet is free, every website you want to access from porn, small businesses to education websites are free to access. You don’t pay for any websites. But without net neutrality your internet provider will pretty much only offer (and make you pay for) certain websites, and that’s why it’s so worrying to think about because small business won’t have a main source of income and the poverty level easily can drop simply because providers will only offer big websites and apps.

The repeal of net neutrality still has to go through court so there is hope for these business owners and people who have to use internet for education.

Please! Pleeeaseee next time you see something that people are breaking the internet over do some research and decide if you are for it!

(Business owners can’t go outside and enjoy the fresh air of no more internet if they are working 3 jobs trying to support their families because their main source of income is gone..)