Offensive rant #294

If you can't afford food for your kid, if you can't afford to fix your car and make it safe for your kid to be hauled around in, if you can't pay your bills then why the fuck are you running around with brand new brand name clothes (that are not from places like goodwill, the legit hundreds of dollar clothes)and a brand new 700 dollar phone? Like yes, we all deserve a few nice things for ourselves but if you can't feed your kid? Buy food. If you can't fix your car? Don't spend 200 on jeans. If you can't pay your heat and lights? Quit buying alcohol. It's not that hard. It bothers me so much watching these kids suffer because their parents care more about drinking, what clothes or what phone they have. Grow up. Be responsible. They depend on you for many things that they can't do themselves.