
So I’ve been over this a million times saying “I wanna lose weight, I wanna be healthier” but I always mess up or don’t stick to a plan. And in the times that I did stick to a routine I never saw any results and I stuck to it for well over 3 months. I know it’s not that long but my motivation likes to do disappearing acts 24/7 so I give up usually a week or two in or if I don’t see any changes.🙄

But this time I really wanna stick to it! I just need to know how I should start.

I’ve already cut out certain foods like pizza and soda simply because they don’t sit well with my stomach but I really need to know what else I should avoid and what I should consume more of.

Basically if anyone knows of some good starting places lmk because idk how to start and stick with it.

I also don’t know what work outs are most affective and which are just wasting my time.