Dear sister

It’s everybody dream your living right now. Well part of it was a nightmare you see just a month after I miscarried my first child there you were pregnant. You were pregnant the month after I lost my own child and my godson. I was hurt but I never let it show because nobody knew I was pregnant myself. You gave birth to my beautiful niece earlier this year and she was perfect. 10lbs 2 oz okay maybe she was a little chunky but that’s my chunkster monster and I love her so much. She just recently got to go back home after a heart transplant and again you are pregnant but a was I yet nobody knows again because I lost this one as well. I know I shouldn’t but I’m jealous of you. I feel as though it’s my turn to carry a child but yet you are the one to carry another. My heart breaks because you will get to hear your heart beat when all I got was the two pink lines. I’m jealous of you and maybe I shouldn’t be but in the same time frame I have tried and succeeded but didn’t have one stick you have gotten one child born and another on the way. I love my niece and future niece or nephew but I still wish I could bring them a cousin.