Down syndrome missed at birth?

Hi everyone, my baby is now nearly 3 months old and I think maybe the doctors missed something. She doesn't have the Sandle toe gap or single palm crease, but she sticks her tongue out a lot, ears are kinda wonky (one bigger and more floppy than the other), and does sort of have a look that makes me worried something may be wrong with her. She also has really bad eczema and cradle cap. I jump to down syndrom, but perhaps something else is going on?? She also seems very floppy and doesn't like to lift her head up (seems to have a short neck with excessive fat at the base of her neck) Any thoughts or words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated.

Update: I appreciate everyone comments! Yes, on her next doctorvisit I will definitely be asking, altho she has been several times already and no one has ever said anything. I also had prenatal testing when I was pregnant and it came back negative, but I like to over analyze everything!