My miracle princess is finally here!


I'm finally getting around to posting my delivery story. My sweet baby girl was born December 1st (due Dec 3rd) at 2:40 am. I woke up at 12:10 am with painful contractions, called my mom to come stay with our 5 year old and walked around until she arrived. Hubby packed the car and we left for the hospital at about 1:40 am. I was admitted at about 2:10 and the doctor was called. I requested an epidural at this point because my contractions were very painful and one right after another. The OB made it at 2:22 and checked my cervix which was 8 cm. a couple of hard contractions later, my water broke (still waiting for that epidural!) then another contraction later it was time to push. 3 pushes later (and still waiting for that epidural 😣 needless to say i didnt get it lol) my sweet Peyton Rose was born! 6 lbs 13 oz and 19.25 inches long!