
I need to rant! This Christmas is the first time in 3.5 years that my family will all be together. I havenā€™t met one of my nieces, my brother hasnā€™t met my son, itā€™s going to be special. Now- let me be really clear- no one in my family is really cash-strapped- we are all in well paid professional jobs with dual income households. If anyone in my family was struggling financially, it would be completely different, but they arenā€™t. So WHY ON GODā€™s GOOD EARTH does everyone seem so hell bent on saving money at every corner? We are doing a secret Santa (we normally buy presents for everyone), and each couple is cooking food for one evening- this evening my brother started arguing about ā€œcost per mealā€ because the dinner he was cooking was going to cost less than the meal I was cooking (Iā€™m cooking the main Christmas meal). Iā€™m so annoyed and a bit upset because in my family, Christmas has always been about generosity... and it suddenly feels completely different, really tense, and totally unnecessary! Iā€™m not advocating wasteful consumerism, or huge excess, but I donā€™t want to feel like Iā€™m on rations every time I grab a snack! I feel like I am surrounded by grinches. How can I get through a week of this without losing my Christmas spirit completely? Help.