She’s here!


She’s here! Our daughter was born December 19th at 5:41 pm in San Francisco, Ca. She weighed 7 Ibs 4 oz. I was induced at 40 weeks due to gestational diabetes. I had her within a day and a half after arriving at the hospital for induction. I was 1 cm when I arrived and my body took to the induction medication pretty well. I tried to go as long as I could naturally until my body started shaking and I was freezing cold. So I opted for the epidural at 6 cm and I requested to have a lower dose of the epidural so that I could still feel for pushing. I’m so glad I requested that, I was fully able to feel myself push in addition to moving my legs without actually feeling the contractions. I was also up and walking after I delivered. I pushed for 2.5 hours but it didn’t feel like eternity. I stayed in the moment, listened to my body, played oldies music while I was in labor and I reminded myself that this was the final stage in my pregnancy journey. I’m excited to join the “December 2017 Mommy Club”!