She’s here. 😍😍


My birth story:

The Thursday before she was born i went into labor, dilating from a 1.5 to a 3. Unfortunately the contractions though still painful became irregular and stopped making progress. I went home and returned Saturday dilated to a 4. But again, they stopped making progress. Sunday I dealt with painful exhausting contractions. They stopped me in my tracks and took my breath away. But my girl shown no distress so they didn’t do anything. Come Monday morning, like 4am, I woke up with a wet spot on my bed, I didn’t think anything of it because if my size and my baby’s size it wasn’t uncommon she made me pee sometimes. I noticed though, with each contraction I would leak a lot. I went to L&D; to find out my water broke!! It was leaking slowly. They waited until 6am Wenesday morning to induce me, things moved slowly until noon. I began dilating again, moving only to a 5, then quickly jumped to a 9. Around 1 they started allowing me to push and finally,my baby girl was born 12/13/2017 at 1:46pm. She weighed 7 lbs 2 oz, and was 19 3/4 inches long.