i might be a little ashamed of this


so I just had to ask about guy to donate sperm to me because I am currently out of luck with sperm donors.

this guy and I agreed three years ago that when my wife and I were ready he would donate to us and then when he and his boyfriend were ready I would be a surrogate for them.

since this agreement we have had a huge falling out he owes my wife and I about 3000 dollars and tried to turn my whole family against me. He threw my wife under the bus on a public forum and then his boyfriend did something way worse but in the same category.

I just asked that guy if we could still do this for each other. I am tired if being bitter and even more tired of guys cancelling on me. I really think he would do it but hey I have a contract written up for a reason right.

Am I completely insane.

p.s. I did ask my wife what she thought about me asking him before I did and she told me to go for it.