Toddler doesn’t seem to be growing?


So my son is nearly 15 months old and I don’t think he’s grown since his 12 month checkup. He’s a peanut, born at 6 lbs 15 oz and 18 inches long and 9 days late. I’m not surprised he’s small, as I’m only 4’11” and my family is short as well. I’m not expecting a giant. But I’m concerned. He measured 28.5” at his 12 month checkup, and I measured him at home a few days ago and he’s still 28.5”. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Now, that being said, I have had doubts about the nurse’s accuracy measuring his height and weight at his last couple appointments. She read his weight wrong at his 9 month appointment incorrectly, and I questioned it (she was 10 pounds off), so she corrected herself but I think she wrote it down wrong still, because I was told at his 12 month checkup that he grew 2.5 inches but didn’t gain any weight, when what I thought he weighed at 9 months was 12 oz less than what they told me at the 12 month. Now, I’ve weighed him at home and it looks like he’s gained weight, but hasn’t gained in height.

I’m so stressed. I try so hard to feed him healthy foods and he eats A TON. I just feel like I’m not doing a good job as a mom. And if he is being measured carelessly, I don’t want to be treated like I’m starving my boy or think that there’s another medical issue going on.

Has anyone else had their toddler hit a plateau in height and/or weight between 12 and 15 months?