gaining for gibbet

emily iris

I GAINED 5kg in a week!

doing it for bub! It's a struggle, I haven't been over 45 since I was in highschool, but they wanted to keep me on the maternity ward for 'refeeding' but I was like nuh uh this is motivation enough for me to get better on my own terms, independent. I'm about 17wks they said from the size of his head but there's no 'bump' and I still think they play the same video on the screen hahaha it is surreal but my partner and I are slowly coming to terms with it. I'll believe it when he's out and I can see the lil bug in my arms.

My (OUR) body is a beautiful vessel so I need to fix the leaks before I take my crew under.

The ultrasound guy said he's sitting squished in a tiny pocket which broke my heart, we both have some growing to do.

Wishing everyone out there a safe and peaceful holiday season!