Just venting...

So my husband, out the blue, decided he was leaving to go hunting, 6 hours away. He won’t be back until late Sunday and we have a lot to do on Sunday. His sister is coming over, we’re getting a puppy to surprise our son, and we have to get everything ready to cook. We’re cooking the whole entire Christmas dinner this year so it’s a lot. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind at all that he goes hunting, but did he really have to just up and leave this evening on Christmas weekend?! He kept asking if I was going to be alright. Deep down inside I’m sad but I didn’t want him to know it because I’m not going to stop him from something he wants to do. I’m sad because we do pretty much everything together, I can’t sleep when he’s not here and I hate being home by myself, but aggravated because it’s Christmas weekend. I usually go hunting with him and we went the past 2 weekends, but I couldn’t go this weekend because there’s too much to do. Hopefully he comes home with a couple of deer and thank goodness his sister will be here to help me.