is my size to big??


I got pretty upset when the sales assistant looked at me strange when i told her I'm a size 6 and not in a good. more of '' this store isn't for you look''she told me I should lose some weight and than maybe I could find something that's fits.

Ngl I was about to lose my shit,like srsly. I get that I'm not a size 0 but come on. I'm 18 I think that's a pretty good size for a student that doesn't have spare time to work out... Or maybe I'm lazy but still.

At first I was super offended and I couldn't even look myself in the mirror knowing she basically called me '' to big''. I'dk but for me it's hard to just love your body, I understand all the' 'body positive' 'but as soon as someone who is skinner and legs looking like a stick calls you' 'fat' ' it's like

I get your happy with your body but why do you have to destroy someone else to built yourself up? Like calling me fat won't make you any skinner so what's the point

Either way I went home and ate a pizza, it was a good ass pizza

Was she right?, did you have an story's like my experience