Need some help


So we are trying for number two. I went off of Nuvaring in September. Had a normal cycle in October. At the end of November I started having pain from my cysts and fibroid. Went to my doctor and my ovaries and fibroid look the same as my previous ultrasound. During that ultrasound I was apparently ovulating or about to ovulate. Flash forward to December 8th and I started my period about a week early. It ended on the 13th. On the 15th I started taking ovulation tests and never got an LH surge. I started spotting yesterday and got a full on period today. I called my obgyn and she wants to see me to run some hormone levels but she can’t get me in until Jan 10th. Any words of wisdom or encouragement? It took us over a year to get pregnant with our first and I’m feeling a little broken this time. I just don’t want to spend another year feeling like this again. 😥