Does it bother anyone else that...

LunaxMoona🌙 • Expecting in early Oct 17' 💙 Niko Roman Whittaker 💙

Some girls that don’t have or want kids will claim that they are your child’s mom? Like in even a joking’s weird. Because I’m pretty sure you aren’t the one that had to push this sucker out and be up all night changing and feeding him...

I also have a few friends that baby sit and call the kids that she baby sits her children. But in a serious she gets stressed out and says, “my kids...”

They aren’t your kids!

Edit: I don’t think you guys know what I’m talking about which is fine.

I should have been more specific.

I’m referring to women that make statements that would leave someone to believe that they were their actual birth mom.

Like it’s a straight out lie. Not a teacher calling her students her kids. That’s more of a figure of speech.