Mother In Law Issues Help Me!!


I am 11 weeks pregnant. My mother in law smokes a pack a day and smokes weed daily. Her house smells awful and it always makes me vomit and gag (even when I’m not pregnant). My husband is pissed at me because I refuse to go over there because of the smell and how I don’t want to be around smoke especially weed while pregnant. I don’t want to be breathing it in. Am I a terrible person for refusing to go visit her for Christmas? I’m worried when this baby is born she won’t respect my wishes and smokes around my baby. I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to start a fight with my husband but I also don’t want my child around that behavior. I don’t agree with it at all. Especially the weed as it is illegal where we live. Am I over reacting? My husband and my best friend are making me feel as if I am. When my dog goes over there with my husband he comes back smelling like weed. It is terrible. I don’t know what to do. I truly don’t. She lives with her boyfriend and he has 3 young kids. I don’t know what to do. I truly don’t. I don’t want to report it and it be blown off or it come back that I reported it as it will cause a lot of trouble. I came from a super conservative family who went to church every time there was a service. My mom was southern belle. She was classy. My husband’s family on the other hand are just pure white trash. I love my husband to death but I can’t deal with my in law’s white trashiness especially when it involves my unborn child’s health. She refuses to smoke outside at my house as well which makes me so upset. I’m not sure what to do. Help me.