Afraid to consider that my son has colic


My son is five weeks old and I absolutely love him to death but he is not what I imagined. My entire pregnancy I imagined a smiling happy baby who would just be content. Instead my son spends atleast four hours a day screaming. Not just screaming.. it's like exorcist style screaming. If he isn't asleep he is screaming. He is formula fed because I never got breast milk due to a surgery I had. I am switching his formula from earths best organic to enfamil reguline due to constipation. I am home all day with him and seriously try to do everything I can.. we do tummy time.. he screams.. we go for hour long walks and he screams.. we read together and he screams.. I wrap him to me and he screams till he passes out. the only time he isn't screaming is when he is eating but then I have to burp him and he screams until he passes out. I am afraid to admit that he may have colic.. this just isn't what I was expecting. Everyone always says they have a easy going baby and I'm here like what am I doing wrong. I feel like my kid hates me. I'm wondering if this is from me not breastfeeding.. the guilt is so out of control. We seriously spent so much money on stuff for him that he hates. Is anyone else's baby miserable all the time? Here's some pictures because even when he is screaming he is cute.

Okay and one with one of the few smiles my grumpy guy has given us.