Does he like me?


There’s this guy he’s in year 10 I’m in year 9 I have had a crush on him for like a year and we’ve been showing eachother the classic crush symptoms the thing is I’ve only spoken to him once he is a shy guy so I went up to him and started talking I found out that this girl I hate likes him as well so I got pissed and upset. I sometimes see him.

I have this other guy friend he’s sweet treats me like a queen we have great banta the only issue is that he’s constantly moving from relationship to relationship. I might like him and he may like me. I did a prank on my friends telling them we were dating he was in on the prank to and then I was like it’s not a prank I actually like you ( did not like him at the time) then I talked to his friend and this guy friend was trying to see if the banta was messing with both of our heads is it friendship love or

“Young love”