I don’t know what to do!

Hello wonderful how community!

I’ve been having this issue lately with my son. He’s been sick for 4 weeks already and doctors won’t do anything. Let me tell you what’s going on.

It start about a couple days before thanksgiving. My now 6 month old started getting sick (runny nose, wet cough) we decided to wait a week before we took him in because that’s how long a cold usually runs for (as told by docs). When we took him in I explained to them that he had a “Barking cough” the NP didn’t think much of it. Told us to wait another week. If it doesn’t go away by then to come back and they’ll look at him. She said cold typically last two weeks. Later that night she gave me a call and said because I told her that he had a “barking cough” he might have croup. She gave me a pill that we needed to crush up and put in his milk. Did that. The “barking cough” went away but there was a regular cough that stayed along w/ a runny nose. I waited another week like the NP said. At the end of the week he seemed to get better one day just so that the next day he was back coughing, extreme stuffiness again except this time he would cough so much that he would

Projectile vomit every bottle he had.

Again.....I took him back. They said there was nothing they could do. To wait another week, it’ll go away they said. Waited another week. Took him again. They said the same thing.

Fast forward to now. My son has been throwing up for two weeks straight. Every bottle. He’s drinking about 10-15 oz a day. I took him to the doctor two days ago. And guess what!! They said typically a cold last four weeks. If it’s not gone by the end of next week to go back! I’m at a loss for words. He’s loosing weight from throwing up (only .4 oz) he’s rarely eating. Having very small pee diapers. Coughing all da, very fussy and they still won’t do anything.

I honestly don’t know what else to do. I feel like they think I’m crazy.