I’m about to lose my mind 😫


My due date is tomorrow and I’ve just been having on and off period-like back pain and Braxton Hicks contracts. Baby has been pushing down on my pelvis with his head because I’ve been feeling a lot of lightening crotch and man does it hurt when he does that. I feel like he’s literally trying to come out but my body isn’t letting it happen. I’ve tried everything; sex, red raspberry tea, spicy food, walking, and bouncing on an exercise ball. I’m just getting so stressed out because I really wanted to have him by now and on top of that, everyone keeps asking me everyday if I’m in labor/at the hospital/or had him already. Like no! I haven’t reached my due date yet and if anyone wants him here more than anything, it’s me because I’ve had a rough pregnancy. I really don’t want to be induced, but I feel like nothing is happening. I’m literally going insane. Someone send me some encouragement please 😭😭😭