Mood Swings Out of Control


My pregnancy mood swings are out of control.

I've spent my whole life fighting a bad temper. I've done so good not to loose control for years. I'm an easy going person most of the time things, most things don't bother me anymore.

Now I'm 21 weeks pregnant and my mood swings in the last couple weeks are getting worst. I've had two melt down in the last two days. My husband getting the brunt of most of it. After I loose it, I uncontrollable cry embarrassed and PO at myself. Last night we are in a fast food restaurant and I'm eating chicken while sobbing and him setting pieces of food in front of me like a wild animal.

Though I try to make it funny, I know I'm pregnant and we have been stressed lately but I don't think it's an excuse for me to act like a spoiled child. Especially during the holidays.

Is there anything I can do to lesson these mood swings and help me with outburst. I'd like to find some control in myself right now.