His gf messaged me

Girllllllls. So I’v been with my fiancé for sometime! And my ex’s girlfriend decided to message me on some bullshittt. (. I have NO contact with my ex what so ever) so anyways she’s asking me all these question and I’m like

And I tell her I’m not talking to her and for her to please not message me ( and no I was SUPER nice about it. I just didn’t want any drama) so anyways she messaged back calling me ALL SORTS OF NAMES. So okay whatever I delete the messages and go back to what I was doing. Not even 2 mins later i get ANOTHER message but this time from her friend and now I’m just irritable 🤔 like bbygirl if you gotta spy on the ex then throw the whole guy out. There’s a reason why he’s my ex. Bbygirl needa deal with it herself. Anyone else had this happen?