best friend ? she’s dating my ex…

annabelle • pisces baby

so basically my cousin is my best friend. she’s 2 years older than me ( im a sophomore and she’s a senior) and we do literally everything together

so recently (like 2 weeks ago) i was talking to a guy i have a lot of history with and things went badly. so we kinda fizzed our but i told her i felt really bad about what happened with us and i did miss him

so she texted me saying that she needed to talk to me

like idk how to feel. i kinda did the same thing to her but the guy and her were never that serious and she eventually told me it’s ok and that she wasn’t that mad

ik that doesn’t make it ok but she’s just acting like it’s all ok

when i told her about the other guy she didn’t talk to me for weeks

i just don’t know what to do like of course i’m mad but idek if i have a reason to.