Negative preg test**UPDATE**2x


So I took a pregnancy test today due to my few days of cramping, eating, and sleeping. The results came back negative and I’m so bummed about it 😔 wanted to give my mom a great expecting gift this year of a grand baby and my encouraging bf a new beginning. My heart is broken. I’m going to ride it out a few weeks and take another one, hopefully it’ll be different, I’m praying on it. Baby dust to all of you ladies trying as well


So, a few hours later I reread the test again. Call me crazy, but another faint line appeared. according to google an evaporated line is off centered and a grayish color. Clearly in the pic the faint line is blue and centered 😳I need another pair of eyes !!! I’m not solely fo bf off this test, will test again like I said to see if s stronger line appears, then proceed to the doctor.


Update #2

I had taken the advice of doing a pink test and it came back negative 😩 it’s scary because I have spasms on the right side of my pelvis. I started my birth control of the depo provera, so we will be trying again in March, which is a blessing in disguise so we can get things structured and more organized than we already planned. I’m sad but this gives me a great time to stock up on more baby items for the long haul!