Trying to get pregnant..need tips!


So me and my fiance are trying to have a baby and haven't had any luck yet. Now I had a previous misscaragie with my last ex. I got pregnant that same night I was ovulating and for some reason I had taken a test a week later I got a 2 positive results one with pink dye and a digital. I went to the doctors and they confirmed it but I lost it due to stress because of everything going on. I feel like it was a lot easier when I wasn't trying and now that I am it's like I'm possible. Now me and my fiance are taking the couple's vitamins and I've been male sure I eat healthier and everything but besides health and using the app for ovulation times does anyone else have any tips that might help?!??!?!? I just want a baby. don't get me wrong I'm def enjoying all the practice lol being a mom is all I ever wanted so I'd love some feedback.