11dpo and nothing


started Clomid 50mg 3-7, o'd 13th and I feel like I o'd I was in so much pain then but now I've been testing and all BFN.

Milky discharge cervix feels so high up very light breast tenderness nipples are more sore. stuffy nose and runny clear. feel bloated down there. very light cramps but I feel them cause I'm watching every twitch. no spotting occurred. o yea when I tried to have a orgasm it wouldn't let me have it like my uterus wouldn't contract to have the orgasm I think I'm explaining it correctly but just giving you guys some of my symptoms because I'm feeling kind of down and optimistic at the same time cuz I really want a baby. any insight or any info on ways to give me on any symptoms you had because I'm not having no cramps and I'm due for my period in 3 days according to glow.

have any one ever tested negative then positive at 12-15 dpo dpo?