New Here


So I’m new to Glow and learning how to work the app and slowly learning how to track my ovulation. This past month has been hard on my body.

Back Story:

Period 11/20-11/26 and then on 11/28 I got my IUD removed. Then the 11/29-12/1 I had severe bleeding with large clots and cramping!! It was the worst few days ever!!

I then got another period 12/18-12/21 and it was very heavy, but only a full three days. Also then I was diagnosed with a UTI 12/20 and I’m on my last day of antibiotics today.

So now I’m hoping that my cycle might be back to normal and my fertile/ovulation windows are accurate.

This is our first time actually tracking my cycle and trying to conceive based on ovulation, so its kind of confusing to us.

Any advice/insight would be great.

Thank you!