Acne - help

I've struggled with acne all my life but didn't realize how much my birth control kept it under control. It got worse after going off birth control and way worse in pregnancy. I have white heads forming every day (4-6 are usually about to pop on my chin every morning and keep forming throughout he day so another 4-6 ready to pop at night). I have bumps on nearly every pore on my chin. And I can often squeeze stuff out of many daily. I'm also getting it in places I've never really gotten much acne before (forehead and eye brows!)!It's so embarrassing and even my good makeup doesn't really cover it well. Not to mention the dry skin on top of it all! I've been using Belli Beauty acne skin care set but it doesn't seem to be helping. Any suggestions? How have you dealt with horrible acne in pregnancy? I'm 12 weeks.