Possibly pneumonia???

Nessie • 💐

I’m 33 weeks pregnant & I just recently within the past week ran into an old teacher of mine from high school while I was with my sister (who was also her teacher). We stayed & chatted for a few minutes. She mentioned she had just been released from the hospital due to pneumonia. She pointed out her hospital band along with other patches on her arms. I instantly thought “Omg, imma catch it!” But it not like I could have ran from her. At this point she hugged me about 3 times & I didn’t know she was sick or I obviously would have avoided her all together. She was acting completely normal. She wasn’t coughing or anything. You really wouldn’t have even known she had pneumonia. It’s been a few days now since our encounter & I woke up this morning coughing & I noticed when I coughed it hurt my lungs a little & it makes it harder to breathe. I’m not sure if it’s the pregnancy causing my lungs to feel like that or if I have a cold & it’s just making my lungs weaker then they already are. Im unsure of what’s going on. I can’t see a doctor until after Christmas unless I wanna go to the hospital, but other then the coughing & my lungs being weak I feel fine. No abnormal body aches. No chills or fever. I will go to the ER if it progresses. I had my flu shot about a month ago when my doctor told me to get it. Do you still think it was even possible to catch pneumonia off of her? I let her know I was pregnant & she didn’t act as if it was any concern to her. She is an elderly woman & I don’t think the hospital would release her if she was still at risk, but I still don’t wanna rule it out.