Mother in law advice?


I'm still recovering from her last visit, in which she told me that I will not have more kids (because I'm 34), that I need to exercise (but I'm on bed rest) that the reason I'm on bed rest is due to my age (it's the location of my placenta), she refused to listen to names we picked out because she already picked the perfect name for my baby. There is more! Anyway I have an anxiety disorder that can't be fully treated right now because of the pregnancy. I never stood up to her or set any boundaries. Now she says she is coming back to visit in April, to be here a month before baby is due. She's not staying with us but when she visits she doesn't leave! She cooks in the kitchen and i have to listen to her grumble about the state of the house. I don't want her to come back. How do I set up boundaries? Can I say yes you can come here but you can't come over to my house everyday? You can come over for dinner when my husband is home? What do I do? I'm already stressed out. And yesterday she got mad because we didn't buy her a Christmas present...but I'm on bedrest and was bleeding and in pain and everyone else in my life understands that I'm just not up to it right now. Thank you.