Need reassurance

Okay so I went to my first ultra sound and they showed two sacs but we couldn’t see anything I was supposed to be almost 7 weeks pregnant. Later that day my dr called me and told me I needed to come in for a blood test so they can check my hormone levels because In the ultrasound they saw two sacs one is empty and the other one might be forming so I did and I went back two days later to get another one done but she said she wouldn’t know the results till Monday and that was 5 days away. I was very concerned so I went into the ER cause I wanted to know the answers sooner. Well the dr from the ER said that the baby didn’t survive and there was no heartbeat. I was heartbroken but I called my OB and told her what the dr said at the ER and she said that I should wait till my next ultra sound which is on Jan 2nd. My OB called and said that my results came back from my blood test and said that my hormone levels came back really high and she said not to get my hopes up but it’s a good sign and I just need to wait till Jan 2nd. Anyone else have this issue ? It’s driving me insane.