Sleeping position

Maria • First time mom of a much awaited baby boy!

Dear all, does anyone have any idea how to make my baby sleep with head on left side? He does not sleep head straight mainly due to him being vacuumed at birth which caused some pain and swallowing in the back of head, so he tends to sleep with head on one side. Pediatrician only advised us to make sure we switch sides so head doesnt get flattened. But my little fellow has his own preference and turns back to the right side everytime i try to position him head on left...i try to put a rolled towel/ blanket and keep his head on left, but i am afraid to leave it as such as night, not to suffocate. He is 2 weeks old btw ❤️ i will ask pediatrician next time i go for appointment in Jan , meanwile any good and safe advice would be much appreciated. Thank you!