Should I just move on ? Or be straight up again with him ?

I dated this guy 2 years ago and we were really inlove but i kinda broke his heart but i didn’t mean to we were going through some problems, and he broke up with me and he hated me and stopped talking to me for a year then he started talking to me and we hooked up and then after 4 months we stopped talking again, then 3 months later we started talking again and he’s been cutting me off and on, when he breaks up with his girl, he talks to me and when they get back he stops talking to me. And they’ve been broken up 2 months and recently we’ve been talking a lot since September and he’s been flirting and sweet and nice. And he’s been wanting to hangout. On thanksgiving he started texting me different all flirty and sweet and asking me to go out and chill and I said ya and we hung out on Saturday and we ended up having sex. And after we were chillin watching tv and cuddling and I started getting this weird feeling inside of me, it felt like if we were still together and it felt right then he texted me saying it was great and we should do it again and then the next morning he texted me again he was thinking about me. and then 2 weeks later we hung out again and we had sex and it was great. Then and then 2 weeks ago I told him I couldn’t do this anymore, I couldn’t be his friend Bc I still think about him and everything reminds me of him then he told me I’m sorry and I said sorry for what and then he said idk anymore. Then 4 days ago I told him u like him still and I kept his letter after all these years and that I want another chance and how I hate how he leaves my life then comes back into my life like nothing ever happened and how i know he’s not over how we broke up Bc I know him and how he means a lot to me and then he told me uhhh I just wanna be friends.then he told me aren’t you talking to someone and I said ya but I don’t really like him, I’m just using hi not get over you and he said your a trip. And then I told him about this girl and he said their just friends and then I was like sureeee and then later that day my friend grabs my phone and texts him if he wants to hook up and he said yeah and then my friend was telling me your just hook up he’s only using you for that and I thought to myself can’t believe he’s like that but I fell for him again... I realized I like him again and idk what to do, if I should I cut him off my life or what Bc he doesn’t tell me exactly how he feels ? And doesn’t open up